Swafly Machinery Co., Limited

630-7160: FILM-INSTRUC


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The Tire Size Instruction Film is designed to convey information about the specific tire and rim requirements. This film serves as a comprehensive guide, offering detailed instructions regarding the appropriate tire size in both inch and centimeter dimensions, along with the load rating corresponding to the equipment's weight. Its function is to ensure that operators and maintenance personnel make informed decisions when selecting, replacing, or maintaining the tires on equipment. It features a provision of information regarding the required tire and rim size, by specifying the dimensions in both inch and centimeter units, the film caters to a diverse operator base and promotes universal understanding.

• Provides specific tire and rim sizes in both inch and centimeter units.
• Includes the load rating corresponding to the equipment's weight.
• Acts as a comprehensive reference for tire selection, replacement, and maintenance.

The Tire Size Instruction Film is placed in visible and accessible locations. Its role as a constant reference point ensures that operators and maintenance personnel can quickly access information about required tire and rim sizes and load ratings.

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630-7160: FILM-INSTRUC
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630-7160: FILM-INSTRUC

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