Description: O-Rings are mainly used in static application as both axial or radial seals to prevent leakage and contamination.Attributes: Cat® O-Rings are made from materials that are matched to the fluids, temperatures and pressures found in Cat® engines and machines. The materials resist wear and extrusion, and provide superior resistance to seal compression set. In addition, certain Cat® O-Rings are coated with PTFE to minimize seal twisting and cutting during seal installation.Dimensions of our O-Rings are consistently held to tight tolerances to ensure they fit properly into seal grooves with the necessary seal compression.With over 2500 O-Rings in different sizes and materials, Cat® O-Rings are your best solution for your Cat and other mobile equipment O-Ring needs.Cat® sealing system uses a robust design, testing, and validation process. Buy the latest Genuine Cat seal to protect your investment. Applications: O-Rings are used in a wide variety of applications throughout the entire Cat® product line.